The New Generation of Luxury Cigars
The Art of Flavor
Belmaachi Cigars offers premium hand-rolled cigars crafted from top-quality Nicaraguan tobacco. Our unique blends feature tobacco grown in Somoto and Jalapa, with Somoto’s high-altitude environment near Honduras contributing to our distinctive flavor profile and excellent burn rate. Produced by Tabacalera Flor de San Luis, our cigars benefit from six generations of Cuban expertise. We use high-quality Ecuadorian wrappers to complement our signature blends.
Strong and smooth cigar with natural Habano maduro wrapper. Features cacao and coffee notes, showcasing our unique Somoto-grown tobacco. Available in Toro (6 inches, 54 ring gauge) and Lancero formats.
Medium-strength cigar with rich, creamy flavor. Sumatra wrapper combined with our Nicaraguan blend offers an evolving taste experience. Available in Toro (6 inches, 52 ring gauge) and Lancero formats.
Classic Nicaraguan-style cigar highlighting our Somoto tobacco. Ecuadorian wrapper enhances the flavor while maintaining Cuban-inspired craftsmanship. Available in Toro (6 inches, 52 ring gauge).
Light, flavorful cigar with Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper. Ideal for beginners or as a daily smoke, featuring our unique Nicaraguan blend. Includes a "pig tail" cap. Available in Toro (6 inches, 54 ring gauge).
Long, thin cigar popular among connoisseurs. Higher wrapper-to-filler ratio showcases our distinctive Somoto and Jalapa tobaccos enveloped in high-quality Maduro and Sumatra wrappers, appealing to experienced smokers and those who appreciate elegance.
Our cigars come in a variety of packages. Above is the gift box with three cigars. We also have a box of fifteen cigars and five-packs. Browse our shop to see all available products.
Sit back, relax and enjoy this short video presentation. Experience the essence of Belmaachi cigars, as we showcase our latest collection of fine cigars.
Belmaachi Cigars, where passion and excellence meet to create the ultimate cigar experience
Sit back, relax and enjoy this short video presentation and experience the essence of Belmaachi cigars, as we showcase our latest collection of fine cigars.
Belmaachi Cigars, where passion and excellence meet to create the ultimate cigar experience
Sit back, relax and enjoy this short video presentation and experience the essence of Belmaachi cigars, as we showcase our latest collection of fine cigars.
Our most popular products
Our new production is now ready to ship to distributors worldwide. Prepare for Christmas and New Years, stock up on our gift sets and beautiful boxes now.
Belmaachi Cigars is a unique brand of handcrafted cigars, founded less than two years ago. Our cigars are expertly rolled in Nicaragua using only the finest Nicaraguan tobaccos, which are backed by four generations of Cuban tobacco growers and cigar makers.